Tina's story


Tina Metzger

"I thoroughly enjoy the international work, something I wouldn't have experienced in a smaller company. Working at Quadient is the perfect blend between a medium-sized company and a corporation." 


About Tina

a portrait photo of Tina

What do you like best about working at Quadient?

For me, working at Quadient means continuous development. Those who are willing to commit, take on greater responsibility, and embrace new areas of work are given the opportunity to do so. Throughout my professional career, I have always received strong support from my superiors. Today, I strive to provide the same support to my team.

What attracted you to Quadient?

Well, "attracted" is relative. In 2011, I started working as a consultant at a privately owned medium-sized company because I couldn't imagine working in a corporation. In 2016, that company was acquired by Quadient. At the time, I was a PSO Manager leading a small team, and of course, I was initially skeptical about how working in a corporation would change my daily work. From today's perspective, nothing better could have happened to me personally. I thoroughly enjoy the international work, something I wouldn't have experienced in a smaller company.

Tina and her family posing with an elephant statue / sculpture

Which of Quadient's core values resonate with you the most?

TEAM - Together Everybody Achieves More. For the past two years, I have been leading our Professional Service Consultants for different software products in the region. Watching the team grow closer and collaborate on ideas to improve the customer experience is invaluable to me. Therefore, Passion and Community are currently the two most important core values of our EPIC values.

Tina at a Quadient exhibition stand

What have you learned about Quadient since working here?

Working at Quadient is the perfect blend between a medium-sized company and a corporation. Quadient combines the advantages of both worlds - autonomous work and fast decision-making on one hand, and the opportunity to work in an international environment across various industries and areas on the other hand. We are constantly adapting to the changing market demands and, above all, focusing on our customers.

How have you personally and professionally grown at Quadient?

Colleagues who have known me for a long time would say, "Tina, you have become calmer." Personally, I would say that I have become more patient without losing my passion. Professionally, managing an international team has propelled me the most. Quadient has supported me through various training initiatives, and my management has always been there to provide guidance and support.

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Tine values the blend of autonomy and international exposure at Quadient, embodying the core values of Passion and Community as she leads her team to improve the customer experience.

Tina Metzger