Czech Republic


Czech Republic

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One of our main development centers is located in the Czech Republic. Since 1998, we have grown from just five developers to currently more than 400 employees. In addition to our headquarters in Hradec Králové, we have offices established in Olomouc and Ostrava. Our main business representation for the Czech Republic is located in Prague.

Emphasis on expert knowledge support

Our Czech team includes software developers, testers, IT consultants, trainers, UX designers, and many others. We create solutions for Customer Experience Management (CXM) and Business Process Automation (BPA). We use the most advanced tools, frameworks, and languages in our development center, where we emphasize continuous learning and collaboration. By fostering an environment of knowledge sharing, we empower our teams to solve problems creatively and constructively. We’re not afraid to try new ideas. We continually explore new technologies to bring innovative solutions to our customers. And we have fun doing it!


An inspiring workplace

Ou r office in Hradec Králové is located at the edge of a local forest, which provides a beautiful setting for sports, walking, running, and enjoying the fresh air. Our office in Olomouc offers equally attractive surroundings and conveniences, such as easy access to public transportation and restaurants. Employees in the Ostrava office enjoy a private kindergarten and fitness center, while those in the Praha office take advantage of the nearby central park, Na Pankráci.

Our award-winning community

We have won several awards that rank us among the best employers in the Czech Republic, including Employer of the region (2011 – 2020), the Most Desired Company in the Hradec Králové Region (2014, 2015), and Best Employer ČR (2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016). We support our employees as well as the communities where we live and operate. In addition to organizing professional business meetings and free-time activities, we volunteer and participate in various charities and non-profit organizations. At Quadient, we also believe in being responsible corporate citizens, designing our products to minimize their impact on the environment.

Learn more about opportunities in the Czech Republic on our microsite:, or view our company profile on Welcome to the Jungle.


Our benefits

  • Flexible working hours
  • Possibility of home office
  • Additional weeks  of holidays when reaching work anniversary
  • Wide range of education possibilities
  • Pension supplementary insurance
  • Fresh fruit and vegetable delivered to the office every week
  • Relaxation in our play zones with ping pong, table football, playstation or Xbox
  • Dog-friendly office


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