Clarissa's story new


About Clarissa

I am originally from a small farming town in rural Virginia, I went to college in Northern VA then soon after lived in NYC, NJ, and then CT. While in CT I worked in the corporate office from 2016 until 2020 when we transitioned to full time remote. This finally allowed me the opportunity to move back to my hometown and be surrounded by my family.

I am a single mom to an energetic and adventurous 8-year-old boy who loves for us to do science experiments together, go fishing, or play board games (we are both super competitive). My son has a Anole lizard named Squirt, that his tio (uncle) won for him at the local county fair, and a beta fish.

I love to go on hikes in the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains, read, go horseback riding, travel and explore new places.

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