Katka's story


Katka Chvátalová

"There are several reasons that made it easy for me to stay and keep enjoying working for Quadient for such a long time."

About Katka

A portrait photo of Katka smiling

In a few sentences, tell us about yourself...

I’m based in Czech Republic and live with my husband and kids (Barbora and Lukas) 20 min far from our R&D office in Hradec Králové. When not working I enjoy spending my time with my family and friends, ideally travelling, or doing sports activities such as hiking, biking or skiing. I have joined Quadient in 2006 – started as HR Business Partner for CXM SW R&D and then moved to HR Director role for CXM EMEA and APAC Sales Operations. Later in 2019, when we launched the transformation and “Back to growth” strategy I was pleased to take on a much greater role as VP HR for International Operations. 

I’m also very excited to start my new role of VP HR for ICA. In this new role I will develop and execute the ICA’s HR strategy to enable performance driven culture and will work with leadership team to build an EPIC and inclusive ICA organization.
Being in the company for some time and having the opportunity to work with different businesses and teams over the time, transition to my new scope is going smoothly. What helps my transitions is not only support of colleagues from HR community but also the fact we have one global HR system and have implemented consistent HR processes across the whole organization. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Katka and her team posing in front of a building

What makes Quadient a special place to work?

Common questions I’m getting from the candidates during their interviews are “How is it to work for Quadient?” and “How so that you have been here for so long?”. There are several reasons that made it easy for me to stay and keep enjoying working for Quadient for such a long time. It’s about inspiring leaders around me, that helped me to grow from HR Business partner role into VP and strategic partner role over the years.
It’s about the learning and growing opportunities that allowed me to work in new regions, across different business lines and being involved in various cross functional and global projects including M&A activities.

And last, but not least, it’s about Quadient’s unique community and EPIC culture – where people are very passionate about what they are doing and keep connected and supportive each other.

I’m also very grateful how Quadient enabled me to work part time and remotely during my maternity leave. Which was not so common at all at that time neither in Quadient or job market in Czech Republic. I keep appreciating the well balanced mix of remote and on-site work in my current role too, while being in a global role. 

Katka in front of a 'Celebrate her story' wall print

How do you feel empowered as a woman at Quadient?

I have benefited from Quadient’s program for women in leadership roles – the Empower program. I have found it very helpful, inspiring and supportive to be able to exchange openly within our group the challenges and concerns that we may, as female leaders, face in our roles and learn from that. And being mentored by Quadient’s ExComm members was a “cherry on the top”. So I’m very keen to pay this experience forward and support our talented female colleagues on their career journey in Quadient.

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As a woman at Quadient, Katka feels empowered by programs like Empower, which provide support, inspiration, and mentorship opportunities for women in leadership roles, motivating her to pay this experience forward by supporting talented female colleagues on their career journey within Quadient.

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Katka Chvatalova