Christelle's story



"I'm incredibly proud to be a Haitian American and the ancestry I come from."

About Christelle

Tell us about yourself and what you enjoy doing in your free time.

I am a daughter, a wife, and a dog mom to Mylo the cutest little 5lb Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie mix) I live in the suburbs of New York which is about 40 minutes from beautiful NYC. I absolutely love to cook and try new foods. I am definitely what you would call a “foodie” who does a happy dance when I enjoy good food. I also love to readtravel, watch a good movie to end a long day, and workout regularly.

Can you share a bit about your professional journey and the key milestones that have led you to your current role?

My professional journey started in the insurance industry selling insurance policies. From there, I got into Human Resources and have worked in several different capacities within the benefits space which has led me to my current role as a Sr. Benefits Administrator with Quadient. My one year anniversary with Quadient is 2/27! I also recently graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Management in 2023 which was a huge accomplishment for me. I genuinely enjoy helping people and solving problems and I’m grateful for the opportunity to do that here at Quadient.

What's the most important part of Black History Month to you?

The most important part of Black History month to me is the celebration of black history and how far we’ve come as a people. It’s a celebration of our resilienceperseverance, and ability to conquer whatever comes our way. It’s also a reminder of how much black people have contributed to this country. I love learning new things about black history.

Who is an inspirational Black historical figure who inspires you and why?

A Black historical figure that has inspired me is Jean-Jacques Dessalines. He was the military leader alongside Toussaint L’ouvorture who led the country to a successful slave rebellion making Haiti the first Black Republic. Being Haitian American I hold a very deep sense of pride in what my ancestors were able to overcome and it’s a reminder of how strong and resilient we are as a people. I’m incredibly proud to be a Haitian American and the ancestry I come from.

At Quadient we believe in EPIC values (Empowerment, Passion, Inspiration and Community). Which one of these EPIC values resonates with you the most and why?

The EPIC value that resonates with me the most would be Community. I love the idea of community and the opportunity it brings to collaborate and learn from each other. Community for me means that regardless of our backgrounds we are here to help and support each other.

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Christelle's career spans insurance sales to HR and now Senior Benefits Administrator at Quadient. In Quadient's EPIC values, Christelle finds resonance in Community, emphasizing collaboration and support regardless of background.
