Lisa's story



“Our EPIC values set a foundation for best business practices that encourage a work culture I’m proud to represent”

About Lisa

Tell us about yourself and what you enjoy doing in your free time.

I have been in the recruiting world for over 15 years and have worked in both agencies and corporate environments. While I have held HR roles, I have always done recruiting and have always been drawn back into a recruiting role. I enjoy learning and collaborating with the hiring managers, searching for candidates, and placing people in their next venture. Born and raised in Connecticut, I have two kids and four dogs, so I guess you could say I have six kids! During my limited free time, I enjoy shopping, reading, and watching movies.

Why is it important to work for a company that has EPIC values? Which EPIC value do you relate to the most?

Our EPIC values are really part of our culture. For me, the values that I relate to and appreciate most are “Passionate” and “Collaboration”.  We are passionate about what we do and always strive to do it better.  As a team and organization, we collaborate like crazy, working towards continued success for the company, current employees, and new employees to come.

What is your favorite part of working on the TA team?

The TA team has grown quite a bit since I joined. Our leadership team is always available and looking to provide us with continued learning opportunities. We work hard, support each other, and help each other out as needed. We connect locally and internationally to ensure our team feels supported and connected. We work hard and make sure we take time to have fun together!   

​What have you learned or how have you grown as a result of working for Quadient?

Working at Quadient has provided me with a wide array of professional and personal growth experiences, from the ability to work on international implementation teams, to participating in leadership events and team projects. It all took me outside of my comfort zone and challenged me to think outside of the box and collaborate with other teams - always feeling supported and challenged at the same time. 

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Lisa, a seasoned recruiter with 15+ years of experience, finds her passion in connecting people with opportunities. She values Quadient's EPIC values, particularly "Passionate" and "Collaboration", fostering a supportive environment for growth.

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