
Eduardo Barraza

"With professional and happy people, there is no limit to being successful. Working in a very collaborative culture inside Quadient, motivating the team, giving them the opportunity to express their opinions, concerns, comments is very important.”​​

About Eduardo

Eduardo and his team at a Quadient exhibition

What did you do before coming to Quadient?

I worked for SAAS and Cloud Solutions company. My responsibility was to enhance and promote the company’s portfolio to new customers. Technology, people and culture is what attracted me most to Quadient. The digitalization and automation of customer interactions with companies has major potential to help companies achieve their business objectives. The organizational culture is essential to create a productive and effective collaborative environment. With professional and happy people there is no limit to being successful.

A selfie of Eduardo and 3 other people wearing face paint

What are some ways you feel Quadient creates an inclusive community?

Quadient is respectful and inclusive about culture, beliefs, and the nationality of the employees. There are people around the world that collaborate with one another and all have the to express their ideas and opinions.

What makes Quadient a great place to work?

Over the past 5 months that I have worked at Quadient my experience has been great because there is excellent collaboration and support between employees. The knowledge and expertise that are shared between the team makes it easy to collaborate on topics, ideas and resolve issues.

Eduardo posing in an office

How do you share and celebrate your own culture at Quadient and the cultures and backgrounds of others?

It is important to know and understand the culture of the employees at Quadient. Since this is a Global company we need to be respectful of culture, beliefs and traditions that the person has. It would be great if we can have a virtual conference with employees to share their culture and regional customs with other team members.

How have you grown in your role or personally while at Quadient?

With the support of all Quadient team in all levels, I quickly understood the portfolio, benefits and how to engage and work with our customers. At Quadient, there are very successful people that share their knowledge, and this is important to improve our overall success in sales and building relationships.

a portrait photo of Eduardo

How do you feel you have an impact on the success of the company?

The success of the company is generated when there is a strong culture of collaboration and very good business relations with the customers. A strong and success company is one in which the customer trusts and employees feel identified with their principles and culture. 
Every time that we have a meeting with a customer, we know that we are representing to Quadient. So, we must make sure lead the meeting with professionalism.  Help the customer to be successful with Quadient Solutions and achieve their business objectives. 
Working in a very collaborative culture inside Quadient, motivating the team, giving them the opportunity to express their opinions, concerns, comments is very important.

Eduardo and his family at a cafe

Thinking about our core values — Empowerment, Passion, Inspiration, Community — which one best describes your experience at Quadient? Which one is most important in the work you do?

Empowerment, Passion are the two core values that I use when I’m with the customers, understanding their business, showing the Quadient benefits and negotiating a deal.
Inspiration and community are the core values that I use when I’m with the Quadient team defining a strategy, solving some issue or transmit motivation to be success.

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Eduardo appreciates the support and collaboration within Quadient, which has facilitated his rapid understanding of the company's portfolio and the development of strong customer relationships, ultimately contributing to the company's success.

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Eduardo Barraza