
Silvia Neri

Silvia joined the Quadient team having an extensive background and experience in cloud solution services. She now inspires the Brazil market by promoting innovation and digital transformation.


"The sales leadership, technology, people and culture are what attracted me most. Quadient is respectful and inclusive of all cultures, beliefs and nationalities of employees. ”​​

About Silvia

Silvia outdoors wearing a bike helmet

What did you do before coming to Quadient?

For the past 15 years I have worked for consulting services and cloud solutions companies.  My role was to promote innovation and digital transformation, selling the company's portfolio to existing and new partners and customers.
The sales leadership, technology, people and culture are what attracted me most to Quadient. 
I am confident that I can bring customers better solutions to digitize and automate customer interactions, enabling them to offer the best “customer experience" and grow together with Quadient.

A portrait photo of Silvia

What makes Quadient a special place to work? What makes you proud to work here?

Quadient is respectful and inclusive of all cultures, beliefs and nationalities of employees. As a woman I am experiencing a very collaborative company in a wonderful team, in terms of support and where I can express myself sincerely to accomplish our mission together and generate more business for Quadient, definitely one of the best places to work.

Thinking about our core values — Empowerment, Passion, Inspiration, Community — which one best describes your experience at Quadient? Which one is most important in the work you do?

As a woman on Quadient's sales team, I can say that our core values are confirmed every day through a culture of collaboration, respect, and partnership, that make me feel comfortable expressing myself. I believe that inspiration at this moment is one of the main ingredients to bring our solutions to customers in a way that simplifies and promotes a relevant evolution in the delivery of an increasingly effective, personalized and unique customer experience.

A portrait photo of Silvia

How have you grown in your role or personally while at Quadient?

During the last 3 months I've been working at Quadient, my experience has been lovely because there is excellent collaboration and support among employees. The knowledge and experience that is shared between the team facilitates collaboration on topics, ideas, and problem solving. My time to go to market was greatly improved and reduced.

How do you feel you have an impact on the success of the company?

A successful company has consistency in sales, delivery and follow-up with its customers during all phases of the relationship. Taking Quadient's solutions to new customers and new markets with new ways of delivering business processes with the same quality, efficiency and results, while maintaining a closer partnership with existing customers, is one of my priorities. My impact will be to further promote our culture and brand in the Brazilian market to maintain and expand our position as the best and most effective CCM solution, converting into new business and new contracts, increasing our business results and customer base.

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Coming from a digital background what attracts Silvia most to Quadient are sales leadership, technology, people and culture. She is the driver behind Quadient's CCM solutions' establishment in the Brazilian market.

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Silvia Neri