

"Embracing your true self allows you to inspire respect in others because genuine talent and positive outcomes are undeniable."

About Weider

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Tell us about your role at Quadient and what is "Love is Love"?

"Love is Love" is an internal community initiative at Quadient designed to provide our colleagues with a supportive and inclusive space, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation. We are committed to the principle that everyone deserves respect, care, and the freedom to love and be loved, which are fundamental aspects of the human experience and vital for personal fulfilment.

Expecting individuals to reach their full potential if they are battling for equal rights and respect is unrealistic. As the co-chair of Love is Love, I am dedicated to encouraging all Quadient employees to deepen their understanding and respect for this crucial cause. This initiative is a vital opportunity to enhance awareness of the significant impact that a welcoming environment has on the quality of each employee's life. Recognizing that businesses and societies are built by people, if we desire Quadient to reach its fullest potential, it is essential to cultivate an environment that allows every individual, every creator at Quadient, to achieve their best.

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How has Quadient created an environment that allows you to be your true self at work?

The foundation of our inclusive environment is rooted in the basics: 1) Ensuring everyone has the right to express themselves and share their truth free from outdated and disrespectful ideologies; 2) Increasing visibility so no one feels alone in their journey; 3) Emphasizing that knowledge is power. We focus on empowering our colleagues by sharing information and experiences that facilitate ongoing education. Personally, even after long involvement in this community, I find myself learning daily as we open up to new stories and insights. A significant part of our effort involves helping each Quadient employee to unlearn outdated notions. This philosophy of embracing new knowledge and discarding obsolete ideas is woven into Quadient's DNA, reinforcing our reputation as an innovative company.

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What does Pride Month mean for you and the "Love is Love" community?

Pride Month is fundamentally about visibility and solidarity. It serves as a powerful reminder that we, as part of the LGBTQ+ community—and our allies—are part of a vibrant, diverse, and talented society. Reflecting on figures like Alan Turing, without whom we might not have computers, or other LGBTQ+ pioneers like Leonardo da Vinci, Frida Kahlo, and Oscar Wilde, underscores the invaluable contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals. Innovation involves a blend of evolution and experimentation, and diversity is a critical component of this evolutionary process.

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Can you share any learnings from your journey that might inspire others?

The most important lesson I've learned is to love and respect yourself. Embracing your true self allows you to inspire respect in others because genuine talent and positive outcomes are undeniable. Always strive to be the best version of yourself, which starts with self-respect and self-love. The rest naturally follows.

What can an organization learn from your journey and the challenges you had to overcome?

My journey has taught me that when individuals are free to be themselves, they can redirect their energies from merely surviving to thriving and excelling. Since embracing my true self, I have achieved multiple degrees, learned several languages, been recognized as an outstanding employee at Quadient, and successfully founded a business. An organization can learn from my experience that supporting individuals in being themselves can significantly enhance their potential and contributions.

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Christelle's career spans insurance sales to HR and now Senior Benefits Administrator at Quadient. In Quadient's EPIC values, Christelle finds resonance in Community, emphasizing collaboration and support regardless of background.

Christelle headshot